Thursday, March 14, 2013


Well true to my word, I haven't posted every day (or for that matter), week, month, or quarter.  

So this must be really something special that's causing me to get back to my blog.!!!

I'm not much of a drinker and since I have been counting points, I would much rather eat them than drink them.  However, at a local restaurant last night, the waitress turned me on to my latest obsession.  (Now, some of you may think I have been living under a rock but this was something completely new to me and the person I was having dinner with.)  I asked what they had for hot drinks.  She named a few and then asked if I ever had Ru#$%^&^.  A what?  "RumChata", she said.  Well, as they say, the rest is history...

To accommodate my request for a hot drink, she added the liqueur to my coffee.  I had one, two, three of them!  Yes, on a work night no less!  What's worse, I went to the liquor store tonight to buy a bottle!  So what is this RumChata you ask?  Well, here are the deets... 

Here are a few more facts about this divine concoction:

About RumChata:

  • Rum-based cream liqueur made with Wisconsin dairy cream and flavored with cinnamon, vanilla, sugar, and other proprietary natural and artificial flavors.
  • Retails for around $19.95/750ml bottle
  • 13.75% alc/volume (27.5 proof)
  • Produced and bottled by Agave Loco Brands, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
  • Released in 2009
  • Visit their website:

As Mikey says, "Try it, you'll like it!"