Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Time to be Productive


I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to do stamping and paper crafting of all kinds.  Lately, unfortunately, I have done more pinning than actually stamping.  At night after I get home from work, I get sucked into the vortex of Pinterest.  (That may explain some of the recent weight gain!) I have made too many excuses as to why I haven't been doing anything at night.  So, I think it's time for a change. I have decided to organize and purge at least one night a week and stamp or craft two nights a week.  (With the holidays coming up, it might be a nice way to make a little extra money.)  Not to mention, I need to go back to Weight Watchers meetings and exercising a minimum of 2.5 hours a week.  I love to see what other people have created and I also love to create designs myself. Here are a few of the card designs I have created.  I hope you enjoy them!

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Playing on the internet all day, I found this neat pin.  Simply click on a body part and the website will give you exercises targeted for that area.

Very cool!


*Please note that it is best to consult a health professional before undertakingwww.divine.ca./en/health/exercise-finder/c_266


Haven't blogged in forever; now two in one day!  I've really fallen off the diet wagon and I need to get back on track!  Summer is the time for parties and I was looking for a new, low-point, foo-foo drink.  Last night, I came up with this super simple but extremely tasty libation.

I've coined it the Perfect Purple Popsicle and it is only 4 points for 11 ounces.



  • Combine ice cubes, vodka and juice in tumbler, stir well. Recipe makes an 11 ounce drink.



Well the last few months brought about quite a few changes for me.  I became a Close to My Heart Independent Consultant, a Thirty-One Consultant, and changed primary employers.  

Starting with the least exciting one, my primary occupation, I moved from THE National Bank to Associated Bank.  Not much of a stretch but the move granted me an upgraded benefit program, an increase in income and a much shorter commute.  All for which I am very grateful.  

Now on the the stuff I really enjoy, Close to My Heart and Thirty-One!  With the kids grown, I wanted to get back into some of the things I really enjoy.  
One of those is stamping.  That's probably too restrictive for what I like to do but we'll start there.  I decided to go to open studio time that a friend of mine was having.  She had out the latest and greatest Cricut and it really piqued my interest in it again.  Mind you, when they first came out, I had to run out and get one.  There it sat, in the box, used only a handful of times...over the last five years.  Well, for those of you that know me, I needed to have the latest and greatest version.  So, around the beginning of November, I bought a new one and I love it!  I'm sure by now you are asking yourself what that has to do with Close to My Heart.  Good question, the answer is Close to My Heart carries cartridges that you can only get through Close to My Heart.  I saw the Artiste cartridge being used during the open studio time and I had to have it.  (The cartridge has over 700 images.)  By this time I was sold and I wanted to start receiving discounts on everything I wanted to buy for my hobby.  Solution:  Become a consultant.  To tie two of the changes in my life together, I've attached images from what I made for my new employees with the Cricut and the Close to My Heart Artiste cartridge. 

The final change occurred when I went to a craft retreat with the aforementioned friend known as Sarita.  Bless her heart, but if we were doing a drinking game that weekend and we had to drink every time she said "Thirty-One", we would still be hungover.  I didn't really participate in all the Thirty-One talk because I was busy working on the goodies above but she did plant a seed and lo and behold I became her first consultant!

Below are just a few of the wonderful products you can get from Thirty-One Gifts!

Please like my page on Facebook, Fans of Thirty-One Gifts.  
There I will be posting the monthly specials and product updates.  You will also have the opportunity to participate in random giveaways!  

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Well true to my word, I haven't posted every day (or for that matter), week, month, or quarter.  

So this must be really something special that's causing me to get back to my blog.  


I'm not much of a drinker and since I have been counting points, I would much rather eat them than drink them.  However, at a local restaurant last night, the waitress turned me on to my latest obsession.  (Now, some of you may think I have been living under a rock but this was something completely new to me and the person I was having dinner with.)  I asked what they had for hot drinks.  She named a few and then asked if I ever had Ru#$%^&^.  A what?  "RumChata", she said.  Well, as they say, the rest is history...

To accommodate my request for a hot drink, she added the liqueur to my coffee.  I had one, two, three of them!  Yes, on a work night no less!  What's worse, I went to the liquor store tonight to buy a bottle!  So what is this RumChata you ask?  Well, here are the deets... 

Here are a few more facts about this divine concoction:

About RumChata:

  • Rum-based cream liqueur made with Wisconsin dairy cream and flavored with cinnamon, vanilla, sugar, and other proprietary natural and artificial flavors.
  • Retails for around $19.95/750ml bottle
  • 13.75% alc/volume (27.5 proof)
  • Produced and bottled by Agave Loco Brands, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
  • Released in 2009
  • Visit their website: RumChata.com

As Mikey says, "Try it, you'll like it!"