Sunday, September 30, 2012

Recipe Time-Three Ingredient Recipe--Two Ways to Serve It!

Time to get reacquainted with my kitchen!

Sundays in fall are usually lazy days at the Pals household.  Football on the big screen and something burning cooking in the kitchen.  Since we had a great night out with friends (I mean 38 points of great night:  Dreamscicle drinks, Asian wraps, sweet potato fries and a chocolate-caramel lava cake served with a side of vanilla ice cream!), I thought today would be a great day to haul out some of my tried and true WW recipes.  One of my all-time favorites is this 3-ingredient sloppy joe recipe.  It is great as a sloppy joe but I like it even better as a hot dip served with pita chips.  This is a perfect treat to eat while enjoying the Packer (or insert your favorite team here) game!

Three Ingredient Sloppy Joes

1 lb. package of Jennie-O ground turkey or extra lean ground beef
1 can of condensed tomato soup
1 jar of pineapple salsa  

Brown ground turkey or beef in a large skillet.  Season to taste.  Add condensed tomato soup (as is) and salsa.  Heat through until warm.  Voila!  Yields:  7--1/2 cup servings--4 points

(Try with an Arnold Sandwich Thin and an apple for a filling 7-point meal.)

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