Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Time to Set Sail


Time to set sail, this post will mark the maiden voyage of my blog!  Not quite sure where it's going yet but I'd love to have you along for the ride!  

After becoming a Pinterest junkie in the past few months, it seemed like a lot of pins were coming from blogs.  There was a very common theme among the bloggers; they were young mothers that had the opportunity to stay at home and raise their young families.  (My gorgeous niece is one of them!  Nicole at Here's the Diehl--  Well, I'm not a young mother and I work full-time.  As a matter-of-fact, that was where I decided that I, too, could blog.  Certainly, I hope that I will be able to keep it interesting since I won't have puppies and babies to add to the "aww" factor.  I thought I could blog about everything they weren't; being middle-aged, being an empty-nester and working full time.  I hope I can provide something interesting for everyone with an emphasis on well, being a middle-aged, empty-nest, overweight, full-time employee, mom and wife.  So, please join me on my journey.  I can't promise daily blogs or even weekly blogs for that matter but I do hope to provide something to everyone that visits my blog.  It may be a new recipe, a motivational quote, a funny or inspirational story, a new (or vintage) craft idea or a kind, encouraging word.  WELCOME!

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