Sunday, October 21, 2012


I think this speaks to our inability to change people.  The only thing we can do is change our reaction to them.  



I have been absent lately because I have been busy doing family "stuff".  After a hiatus from crocheting of over 25 years, I have been making infinity scarves and headbands for my daughter and myself.  My husband and I spent "hours" organizing all of our family pictures (a looong overdue task), and finally, I made time to see my niece and nephew play soccer.  This time of year (fall and early winter) seems to lend itself to more extended family time than any other time of the year (in our family anyway).  One of our family's favorite activities, is our annual pumpkin carving party.  We have a nice fall lunch and then we let the competition fun begin.  (Okay, some of us have a little more OCD than the others.)  Below are some pictures from this year's party.  I've also attached links to multiple free pumpkin-carving stencil sites. ENJOY!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012



As I have already admitted, quick and easy is my mantra.  Undoubtedly, the easiest way to make soup is out of a can or box.  However, I do like my foods to taste a certain way. I have been trying new foods since I started WW and now I'm experimenting with squash.  I have made my Spaghetti Squash Casserole (see Sept. posts) several times and now I thought I would try a squash soup.  Last year, I made a WW squash recipe and it really lacked taste.  I experimented with adding several different ingredients and, fortunately, it turned out great.  The one I made last year took some time to make and I wanted to come up with something that was quicker.  As I do with all my new concoctions, my husband becomes my guinea pig.  He, too, enjoyed it but told me it wasn't a soup anymore; it was a dessert!  Below is my final product.  

Even with its rich and hearty flavor it is only 6 WW points+ for 3/4 cup.  

Semi-Homemade Winter Squash Soup


1 box Winter Squash Soup (Pictured below)
1 brick of Fat Free Cream Cheese
3 Tbsp. unsalted butter
1/3 cup brown sugar 
1 tsp. cinnamon

Pour soup into medium pot.  Heat through completely.  Blend in remaining ingredients.  Continue heating until butter and cream cheese are melted, stirring frequently.  (Just as I said, quick and easy!)

Note:  It will take some time for the fat-free cream cheese to melt.



NEW PRODUCT ENDORSEMENT-I give them 10 noms!

For years, my husband and I have had a membership to Sam's Club.  However, a brand-new Costco opened in the city where I work.  Since it was more convenient for me to get to Costco instead of Sam's, we  purchased a membership.  It took me a while to warm-up to the new store; however, I have to say I am really enjoying some of the new products that I've come across.  One of them is a product from Snack Factory called Pretzel Crisps-Dark Chocolate Crunch.  These things are delightful! 

Serving size is 5 pretzels (1 oz.) which doesn't sound like much but they are a nice size.   (I've taken a picture with one next to my phone so you can how big they are.) There are 130 calories in one serving or for those of you who are on Weight Watchers, 4 points.  They are the perfect blend of sweet and salty!

Monday, October 8, 2012

TIME FLIES-Today is a Gift


My sisters also have the same Pinterest addiction that I do.  My youngest one ran across this tonight and I thought it was definitely worth posting.

Saturday, October 6, 2012



As most of you know, kids are in a hurry to to get out of the dorms as soon as possible.  As you also know, most of the housing leaves a lot to be desired.  When you do find something decent, the walls are generally a sterile shade of white and nail holes are prohibited.  Now, having two boys first, this really didn't pose an issue.  However, my last one is a girl, and "pretty" matters.  She asked me to help her decorate and I jumped at the chance.  (I want to be an interior decorator when I grow up!)  

Not sure of how much abuse loving care the decor would get in a college apartment (wink, wink), I wanted it to be inexpensive.  I also wanted it to have a lot of color to offset all the white walls.  Finally, I wanted it to be light so that we could hang it will Command strips.  The solution was paper-mache letters all blinged out!  (If you're interested in the steps I used to put the letters together, I have included them below.)

1.  I purchased 8-inch, paper-mache letters at a local craft store and painted them with black Rust-0-leum.  (Agreed, this seems a little bit odd.  However, I had it on hand and with the letters being in a steamy bathroom, I wanted something that would seal the paper well!)  I did apply several coats to ensure it was well covered. 

2.  I added some adhesive bling to each of the letters.  To add additional interest, I used my Cricut to cut out card stock flowers (two per flower) and glued adhesive, larger-bling circles to the center.  I then gently folded the inner flower up to create dimension. 

3.  I finished the letters by adding flat Command strips for hanging.

Voila, an inexpensive, easy way to decorate your wall!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Time to Try Something New--Powdered Peanut Butter


I'm sure you can relate to me when I say I am skeptical with "replacement" products.  Being on Weight Watchers for almost 9 months now, there are foods that you stay away from because you don't want to waste the points.  For me, one of those foods is peanut butter.  At approximately 200 calories or 5-6 WW points just for the peanut butter, it would account for just under 1/4 of your daily point allowance.  At my recent meeting, a member talked about PB2, a powdered peanut butter substitute.  Well, I like to eat peanut butter and I also like to use it in recipes so I thought I would give it a try.  Since the health food store I went to didn't carry that name brand, I thought I would give the powdered peanut butter that they carried a try.  It is called Just Great Stuff and it is ORGANIC peanut butter powder.  (This may be another selling point for some people.)  

Excitedly (yes, call me crazy), I rushed home to try the new product.  The result?  (insert drum roll) I was PLEASANTLY PLEASED!  It tasted like real peanut butter and I did not get an aftertaste.  It is expensive but for me the cost is worth it!  (Whatever I can do to lose my remaining 17 pounds!)  For those who live nearby, I bought the product at Good Harvest in Waukesha.  So, on a scale of 1 to 10.  I give it a 9.  Give it a try and let me know what you think!