Friday, October 5, 2012

Time to Try Something New--Powdered Peanut Butter


I'm sure you can relate to me when I say I am skeptical with "replacement" products.  Being on Weight Watchers for almost 9 months now, there are foods that you stay away from because you don't want to waste the points.  For me, one of those foods is peanut butter.  At approximately 200 calories or 5-6 WW points just for the peanut butter, it would account for just under 1/4 of your daily point allowance.  At my recent meeting, a member talked about PB2, a powdered peanut butter substitute.  Well, I like to eat peanut butter and I also like to use it in recipes so I thought I would give it a try.  Since the health food store I went to didn't carry that name brand, I thought I would give the powdered peanut butter that they carried a try.  It is called Just Great Stuff and it is ORGANIC peanut butter powder.  (This may be another selling point for some people.)  

Excitedly (yes, call me crazy), I rushed home to try the new product.  The result?  (insert drum roll) I was PLEASANTLY PLEASED!  It tasted like real peanut butter and I did not get an aftertaste.  It is expensive but for me the cost is worth it!  (Whatever I can do to lose my remaining 17 pounds!)  For those who live nearby, I bought the product at Good Harvest in Waukesha.  So, on a scale of 1 to 10.  I give it a 9.  Give it a try and let me know what you think!


  1. Can you bring some on the 20th for me to try? Thanks. Love ya, Wendy

  2. Certainly. Jim (my husband) tried it tonight and also thought it was an excellent substitute for peanut butter too!
